



  • ギャンブルに関するサポート
  • 心のサポート
  • 一般的な情報(例、ニュージーランドの医療や社会の制度に関することなど)


近くの病院の緊急外来(ED)を利用してください。もしくは、お住いのエリアのDHBメンタルヘルスクライシスチーム(CATT Team)、そのほか1737に電話かテキストしてください。(24時間毎日対応)

Community Connection services

Provide practical help and support to people in self-isolation due to COVID-19 such as food parcels and other essential cost by using discretionary fund and liaison with other agencies to access appropriate services

Provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to people that are/were in self isolation due to COVID-19

Provide counselling sessions to Asian clients who have experienced COVID-19 related mental distress, such as depression, anxiety, psychosomatic preoccupations, suicidal ideation and increased substance use

Provide connections and direct support to people to allow them to access information and social services organisations in the community as per the psycho-social response and recovery plan for COVID-19

Deliver public health education, advocacy, and community engagement to raise awareness about factors contributing to mental health, addiction and other issues that affect people’s wellbeing reduce harm for individuals, families, and communities with a focus on Asian communities




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AFS 推奨

AFS Wellness Services at Apollo Medical Centre

Asian Family Service has been working with Apollo Medical Centre since 2016 to trial a new way to offering counselling services via GP clinic, as often that general practice teams are the first point of contact for many people experiencing mental health and/or addiction issues. Over the past five years that two of organisation has built trust and strong relationship from leadership level to frontline clinicians with day to day referrals. With enrolled patient almost 60% identified as Asian background, our counselling services has been valued and utilised to break some of the barriers of accessing mental health and addiction services for Asians.

In late Dec 2020, Asian Family Services has been contracted to delivering to all enrolled patients of Apollo Medical Centre, a new model of integrated primary mental health and addiction services (IPMHA) by Comprehensive Care PHO, as part of implementation across New Zealand by the Ministry of Health. This model of care is part of a suite of services being developed to expand access to, and choice of, Primary Mental Health and Addiction support.

The aim of these new services is to:

• increase access and equity of access
• increase choice in addressing people’s holistic concerns
• reduce wait times for mental health and addictions support
• improve population health and equity outcomes.

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Customer Testimonials - Wellbeing



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